The Hubs current theme is Light.
Life is busy and too often passes us by without us noticing. Many of us document important events such as weddings, births & holidays, but what about the everyday moments that help tell our stories, the struggles, the joys, the first flowers of spring.
During this season I invite you to be aware of your everyday moments as well as those big life events and document it all.

Classes with a specific technique or learning focus
Art theory, design principles, colour theory, mediums, book binding, specific product techniques.

Classes to create a project
Mini albums, embellishments, seaonal projects, layouts, cards and more

Classes designed to inspire creativity & productivity
Organizing, stashbusting, inspiration.
Latest Classes
Item Title

This block is an item collection and allows multiple similar items to be added and removed. You can drag these items to reorder them.
Item Title

To add more items to this collection, click the + button that appears to the right of the final item when hovering your mouse over this block.
Item Title

You can change the number of items shown on each row by clicking on the Change Layout icon. This can be found on the right hand toolbar.
Item Title

To remove an item from this collection, hover your mouse over it and click on the red Delete icon that appears to the top left of the item

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